Health and Safety

Basic Approach

Heiwa Real Estate believes that it is essential that its employees to be healthy, both mentally and physically, for the continuous growth of its businesses and corporate value. We seek to increase corporate value by improving the health of our employees, creating a safe working environment, and preventing overwork and occupational accidents.

We also call on our subcontractors and other important stakeholders in our businesses to implement health and safety initiatives for their employees.

<Declaration of Health Management>

The Heiwa Real Estate Group believes that employee mental and physical health and the ability to fully demonstrate their capabilities and individuality will lead to sustainable corporate growth.

In line with this ideal, the Group will engage in efforts to maintain and improve employee health to promote health management.


The Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO serves as the chief officer responsible for promoting health management, who works with the Health Committee, industrial physicians, and health insurance associations primarily through the General Affairs Department. Reports are also made to the Management Conference.

The Health Committee is held once a month, in principle, where attendees discuss the importance of maintaining and improving health, as well as share information within the Company.
Committee members include managers in charge of labor affairs, division health committee members, industrial physicians, and employee representatives.


Health Management Strategy Map

Ratings from Outside Bodies

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Heiwa Real Estate has been recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization for 2023 (White 500) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Conference). This program highlights outstanding enterprises engaging in efforts to advance health management.

We have also been certified as a Sports Yell Company for 2023 by the Japan Sports Agency and as a Tokyo Sports Promotion Company for 2023 by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for our efforts to support and promote our employees’ sports activities.

Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization
Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Percentage of office locations with OHSAS 18001 Certification

Currently, no office has obtained OHSAS18001 certification.

Health Management Initiatives

Critical issues related to employee health

Prevention and early detection of lifestyle-related diseases

In recognition of the importance of this issue and its significant impact on employee health and productivity, the Group takes steps to prevent and detect lifestyle diseases as early as possible.

Mental health countermeasures

In recognition of the importance of this issue in terms of employee productivity, the Group takes steps to prevent and detect mental health issues as early as possible.

Work environment improvements

The Group views the creation of comfortable working environments as essential for improving employee productivity.

Efforts targeting improved employee health

ESG Data

Other indicators of successful health management

ESG Data

Initiatives to improve health

Participation in the Hokkaido Marathon

Heiwa Real Estate sponsored the Hokkaido Marathon 2024 as a Gold Partner and recruited runners from within and outside the Company, with several employees participating in the event.

We also had a corporate booth at the Hokkaido Marathon EXPO, where we distributed original sports towels to visitors to encourage and support everyone involved in this event.

Participation in the Hokkaido Marathon Participation in the Hokkaido Marathon

Events held in-house

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of Heiwa Real Estate’s founding, we held an event to promote interaction among employees throughout the Company.

Support for off-work activities

The Group facilitates the promotion of employee health and the vitalization of communication among employees by supporting activities for internal soccer, running, surfing and golf teams organized by enthusiasts.

Support for Off-work Activities Support for Off-work Activities

Smoking countermeasures and cessation support

  • Education on the health impact of tobacco
  • Prohibition on smoking before work
  • Designation of World No Tobacco Day as a no smoking day to encourage tobacco cessation
  • Provision of financial assistance for outpatient smoking cessation treatments and materials

*Assistance with out-of-pocket expenses (limited to a single payment of up to 20,000 yen per person)
*Smoking cessation materials comprise nicotine patches and chewing gums sold in Japan.

Support for women’s specific health issues

Online seminars on health issues specific to women, work-life balance and other topics are held for managers and female employees.

Efforts to improve dietary habits

The Group provides employees with opportunities to rethink their food choices using online seminars focused on improving dietary habits.

Initiatives for prevention and early detection of health issues

Implementation of stress checks

The Group conducts annual stress checks to manage employee health and improve workplace environments.

Employees are encouraged to undergo health exams, with the aim of achieving a 100% participation rate. (Participation in FY2024: 100%)

Implementation of e-learning courses

We regularly hold e-learning courses on topics such as diet, sleep, lifestyles, and mental health, and nursing care.

Sleep and mindfulness yoga seminars

Seminars on sleep and mindfulness are provided to encourage employee to think about healthy habits.

These seminars provide support for the improvement of insomnia, stiff necks and shoulders, back pain, headaches and other physical conditions that adversely affect employee productivity.

Implementation of cancer seminars

In addition to holding cancer seminars in conjunction with insurance companies, the Group maintains a cancer-related website providing information on cancer.

Company-paid cancer screenings

Blood marker testing is included in physical exams for employees over 35 years of age.

ESG Data

Training participation and degree of satisfaction

ESG Data

Employee health literacy

ESG Data

Health management measure investments

ESG Data

Creating comfortable work environments

The Nisshokan Building where the Group’s head office is located has a lounge that can be utilized for breaks, lunch, internal meetings, regular business and other purposes.

This lounge also includes exercise equipment to promote employee health.

In line with workstyle reforms, the Group also promotes the creation of comfortable work environments.

Creating Comfortable Work Environments Creating Comfortable Work Environments Creating Comfortable Work Environments Creating Comfortable Work Environments

Adopting a remote work system and improving flextime

Heiwa Real Estate has introduced a remote work system to provide variable work conditions for employees. Also, in April 2022, we improved the flextime system with a new system that allows employees to set their own working hours as well as start and end times. Through these systems, the Company has enabled female employees to better manage and improve their health by making it easier for them to deal with female health issues, and we provided more flexible work conditions for both male and female employees engaged in childcare, nursing care, or undergoing fertility treatment, part of our initiatives to promote women’s activities.