Mr. Takahiro Moriguchi has served as Representative Director and Deputy President of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.) and Representative Director and Chairman of JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. He has served as a president at banks in the U.S., and has broad knowledge on finance and securities, international business experience, and abundant experience and deep insight as a corporate manager.
Mr. Takahiro Moriguchi plays an appropriate role in supervising the execution of business from an independent and objective position and providing advice to management from this standpoint. In addition, as a member of the Nominating Committee and a chairman of the Compensation Committee, he has provided opinions from an objective and neutral standpoint regarding the personnel affairs of officers and officer compensation at the Company.
For the above reasons, the Company expects that Mr. Takahiro Moriguchi will contribute to the enhancement of effectiveness of the Board of Directors and committees that will lead to the enhancement of corporate value of the Group in the medium and long term as an External Director, and thus has nominated him as a candidate for External Director.