Environmental Concepts

Basic Approach

The Heiwa Real Estate Group considers its initiatives in environmental concerns as fundamental managerial issues and will promote the initiatives throughout its overall corporate activities. Giving full consideration to its responsibility to conserve the natural environment, the Group actively implements environmental initiatives while complying with environment-related laws and regulations.

Promotion System

In December 2020, the Company has established a Sustainability Committee, headed by the Executive Officer, President and CEO and comprised of Executive Officers and Managing Officers and heads of each departments, to facilitate the smooth implementation of our sustainability initiatives.

By monitoring the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle for each sustainability initiative, including those for climate change and other environmental issues, and by reporting important details to the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Committee acts as a main driver in increasing the effectiveness of sustainable management.

Promotion System

We have also established individual rules and policies for important environmental issues, and formulated specific measures to reduce our impact on the environment.
To implement these rules and policies, we established an Environmental Management System (EMS) based on the PDCA cycle with the aim of continuously reducing our impact on the environment.

*None of our offices have received ISO 14001 or other environmental certification.

Environmental Supply Chain

As the development and operation of real estate in the core Building and Redevelopment Businesses is a long-term process involving many stakeholders (design companies, construction companies, customers and others), we recognize the importance of tackling environmental issues throughout the supply chain in order to properly address them.

Sustainable Procurement

To promote ESG-friendly initiatives throughout the value chain for the Group's real estate portfolio, we have established procurement policies for major products, services and business partners (e.g., property management companies and building management companies). The Group strives to build cooperative relationships by sharing information on environmental concepts and targets to the greatest extent possible.

Environmentally Friendly Procurement Policies (Excerpted from Sustainable Procurement Policy)

(2)Introduction of Environmentally Friendly Operational Procedures

We shall comply with the various laws, regulations, standards, and other requirements related to the environment and sustainability.

(3)Procurement of Environmentally Friendly Goods

When selecting goods for procurement in construction projects, the following items related to reducing environmental burden must be satisfied in addition to the necessary quality, functions, economic efficiency, and rationality.

a.We shall strive to conserve resources and energy.
b.Reduction of environmental pollutants: We shall strive to reduce the use and emission of harmful chemical substances, ozone-depleting substances, and other such substances.
c.Long useful lifespans: We shall explore improvements such as in durability and ease of repair and parts replacement.

For more details on the Group's Sustainable Procurement Policy, please refer to Social Supply Chain under Social.

Social Supply Chain

Policy on Environmental Issues within Tenant Businesses

The Heiwa Real Estate Group views initiatives addressing environmental concerns as fundamental managerial issues and promotes them throughout all corporate activities. In full recognition of its responsibility to conserve the natural environment, the Group proactively implements environmental initiatives while complying with environment-related laws and regulations. Environmental guidelines for tenants include policies on environmental issues such as climate change, water resources and waste.

Policy on Environmental Issues within Tenant Businesses
(Excerpts from the Tenant Guidelines for Environmental Concerns)

Climate Change Countermeasures: Approach and Policies

The Group manages and maintains an appropriate understanding of energy consumption and the status of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from real estate management in the Group's businesses. We also take various initiatives to promote GHG emission reductions, efficient energy use, and renewable energy utilization beyond compliance levels, thereby working to fight climate change.

Water Resource Initiatives: Approach and Policies

The Group manages and maintains an appropriate understanding of the status of water usage arising from real estate management in the Group's businesses. We also make various efficiency improvements to promote water usage efficiency beyond compliance levels stipulated by law.

Waste Initiatives: Approach and Policies

The Group strives to reduce (waste emissions), reuse, and recycle in all of its corporate activities. We also work to reduce building lifecycle costs and conserve resources to realize a recycling-oriented society.

Real Estate Portfolio Biodiversity Preservation Project Progress

Wood Project Implementation

Wood Projectの実施

The Japan Exchange Group (JPX) is engaged in conservation activities in the hope that the growth of trees will lead to the development and enhanced attractiveness of markets. Heiwa Real Estate will use timber from the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Listing Forest, located in the Yashima district of Yurihonjo, Akita Prefecture, to contribute to the effective recycling of forest resources in Japan and help preserve ecosystems through the Wood Project, in which timber is utilized for building materials, benches and other purposes in our business activities.
We also contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in urban areas with building rooftop gardens and tree planting around properties.

Edible KAYABAEN Project

Heiwa Real Estate subsidiary, The Tokyo Shoken Building Incorporated, in collaboration with Universal Engeisha Co., Ltd., and Edible Schoolyard Japan, created a rooftop farm garden, including a vegetable garden, on the roof of the Tokyo Shoken Kaikan Building.
The aim of the rooftop farm garden is to make effective use of building rooftops to support sustainable and local food cycles for food education purposes, and contribute to abundant food supplies in local communities, becoming a space where various vegetables grow and living things coexist.

Water Usage within the Real Estate Portfolio

Water Resource Initiative Targets and Results

Energy Consumption with the Real Estate Portfolio

Climate Change Initiative Targets and Results

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Real Estate Portfolio

Climate Change Initiative Targets and Results

Environmental Compliance

The Group maintains compliance with environment-related laws and regulations. There were no violations of environment-related laws and regulations or environmental accidents in fiscal 2022.

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Violations of Environment-Related Laws and Regulations 0 0 0 0
Environmental Accidents 0 0 0 0
Environment-Related Fines 0 0 0 0