Human Resource Management

Employee Development Policy

We recognize that diversity in perspectives and values is important to achieve new growth. We work to ensure diversity in our workforce, offer fair opportunities for skills development and career promotion to all employees, and aim to develop self-directed employees with growth mindsets and strong motivation.

Structure (Human Resource Development Structure)

At Heiwa Real Estate, we practice a job rotation system so employees can gain experience in a number of departments over the first 10 years after they join the Company. In addition, we use on-the-job training (OJT) and other methods to instill real estate knowledge, fostering their motivation to contribute to the organization and assessing each employee's own aptitude.

From new employee training to management training, we have established a series of training programs tailored to employee career plans. At the same time, we offer a system where employees may take courses at university city campuses, aimed at cultivating next-generation human resources with skills in areas like planning, proposal, negotiation, and leadership.

We also recommend that employees acquire multiple real estate-related qualifications before being promoted to a managerial position. The Company bears the costs associated with acquiring these qualifications. Furthermore, by encouraging the acquisition of other qualifications in self-development, we support our employees in their self-growth and development of specializations.

Human Resource Development Structure

体制(人材育成体系) Tap to enlarge image.

Major Initiatives

OJT and job rotation

We practice job rotation so employees can gain experience in a number of departments over the first 10 years after they join the Company. Employees also gain specific departmental business and real estate knowledge through OJT, systematically and continuously developing the abilities necessary for the execution of their work. Through communication between employees, we foster motivation to contribute to the organization and assess each employee’s own aptitude.

Training programs

From new employee training to management training, we have established a series of training programs tailored to employee career plans. At the same time, we offer a system where employees may take courses at university city campuses, aimed at cultivating next-generation human resources with skills in areas like planning, proposal, negotiation, and leadership.

As part of new employee training, we also conduct fundamental real estate training, IT literacy training, and training to improve PC skills.

Support system for qualification acquisition

We recommend that employees acquire multiple real estate-related qualifications—e.g., Real Estate Transaction Agent, First-Class Architect, or Real Estate Appraiser—before being promoted to a managerial position. The Company bears the costs required when acquiring these qualifications. By encouraging and assisting employee acquisition of official qualifications, we seek to cultivate a pool of official qualification holders, including those who are necessary for business operation and those who have advanced specialized abilities.

Support for self-development

Employees are offered e-learning programs and business seminars on subjects like qualifications exams, language learning, and business skills. As a means of developing global human resources, we also have a system offering subsidies to employees who achieve a standard attendance rate at English conversation courses specified by the Company.
In addition, through our incentive system for qualification acquisition, we encourage our employees toward these qualifications as a means of self-development, supporting them in their self-growth and development of specializations.

Short-term overseas training program and English training program

We offer a short-term overseas training program where employees are dispatched for around three months, as well as an English training program where employees attend an English conversation school for three months. These programs are intended to develop global human resources, including the improvement of language skills, acquisition of communication skills, experience in overseas cross-cultural environments, and forming personal networks at the company where they are dispatched.

Standard first aid training

Since FY2020, we have run standard first aid training courses (including training in the use of AEDs) for all officers and employees.

ESG Data

Skills development training for employees

Time spent and expenses incurred with regard to employee skills development training were as follows.

ESG Data