Information Security

Basic Policy on Information Security

Basic Philosophy

The Heiwa Real Estate Group, in addition to using information resources for efficient business operations, has set up a system for managing information resources that fully implements risk management, aiming to earn significant trust from society. We aspire to become an outstanding enterprise that excels at using information effectively, while ensuring information security.

Basic Policy

The Group sees the active management of information risks as a cornerstone of the key information strategy. For information security across the Group, we have developed the following basic policy.

  1. Information Security Management System
    The Group has established an information security management system that safeguards and ensures the effective management of all information assets.
  2. Internal Regulations for Information Security
    The Group has developed internal regulations consistent with this basic approach so that all officers and employees are fully aware of these guidelines.
  3. Information Security Education
    The Group provides continual education essential for information security and works hard to improve information literacy among all officers and employees.
  4. Information Security Measures
    The Group strives to implement effective ways of protecting information assets from threats, such as unauthorized access, destruction, information leaks, tampering, loss, and theft, as well as to assure safety and data security.
    In the event of any security issues concerning information assets, we will work to minimize the damage and promptly investigate the root cause, aiming to prevent any reoccurrence.
  5. Compliance
    The Group complies with all laws, regulations, governmental guidelines, and other societal norms related to information security.
  6. Ongoing Improvements
    The Group is committed to continually reviewing the above initiatives to guarantee constant improvement.