Building Business

Leveraging Our Superior Portfolio in Major Cities across Japan

The Leasing Business operates in Japan’s major cities, including Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sapporo, and Sendai. It leases stock exchange buildings that serve as the centers of the country’s financial market—the Company’s original business at the time of its founding—as well as office buildings designed to meet the needs of tenants with comfortable office environments.
The Leasing Business also strategically develops multifunctional buildings that house offices and commercial facilities by leveraging the Company’s know-how gained through development projects in Tokyo’s Nihonbashi Kabutocho and Kayabacho district, Osaka’s Kitahama district, and Nagoya’s Sakae district—all key centers supporting Japanese stock markets. In these ways, the business helps create prosperity and revitalize various regions of the country.

Portfolio Highlights

Stock exchange buildings

  • Tokyo Stock Exchange Bldg.
    (Chuo-ku, Tokyo)

  • Osaka Securities Exchange Bldg.

  • Nagoya Stock Exchange Bldg.

  • Fukuoka Shoken Bldg

Office buildings and commercial facilities

  • Uchisaiwaicho Heiwa Building

  • Mita Heiwa Building

  • Kabutocho
    Heiwa Building No. 6

  • Nisshokan Bldg.
    (Chuo-ku, Tokyo)

  • Dogin Building

  • Ichibancho Heiwa Building

  • CentRise Sakae

  • Hotel Brighton City
    Osaka Kitahama

Residential rental buildings

Orsus brand residential rental buildings

The name Orsus is derived from the Latin words orsa, meaning a “new beginning,” and sustinere, meaning “support.” This combination reflects the Company’s aim to provide a place that supports tenants’ livelihoods and their lives.

Concept of the brand

The concept behind the Orsus brand is to offer tenant-focused homes designed to meet new requirements. Based on this concept, the Company aims to create new value for people’s lives, particularly for those who pursue contemporary lifestyles and ways of using their homes, as well as flexible workstyles.

Concept of the residences

Orsus residential units are not simply for sleeping and eating; they are designed to support diverse lifestyles. With a focus on new ways of living, the environment, as well as comfort and security, the Company provides high-quality residential spaces in response to diversifying lifestyles and societal needs.

Authorized developer of zero energy homes

The Company’s sustainability initiatives accelerate progress in decarbonizing and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire Heiwa Real Estate Group. As part of these initiatives, the Company registered and obtained certification as a zero energy homes* developer in February 2022, with an eye to reaching the next step of certification: as a developer of zero energy homes and condominium buildings.
For this reason, we are proactively exploring ways to widely apply the standards for these types of homes and condominium buildings in order to develop residential buildings with higher environmental performance. Further, Heiwa Real Estate is working to raise the company‘s value as a contributor to urban development by stepping up decarbonization initiatives to help realize a more sustainable society.

* Zero energy homes are residences that have been designed to reduce annual consumption of primary energy sources to net zero through a variety of measures, including using significantly improved insulation for outer walls, the installation of highly efficient equipment, the adoption of systems that substantially save energy while maintaining the quality of the interior environment, and the installation of equipment that use renewable energy sources.

Helping accomplish the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Heiwa Real Estate is pursuing the following five goals through the Orsus brand in response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a set of international development goals adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.

Overview of properties

Name ORSUS Asakusa ORSUS
ORSUS Umejima ORSUS Nakano
Location Taito-ku, Tokyo Sumida-ku, Tokyo Aadachi-ku, Tokyo Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Number of Units 27 and Stores 24 and and Stores 89 33
Structure Concrete/
Steel-construction, 8F
Steel-construction, 7F
Steel-construction, 6F
Steel-construction, 12F
Layout Studio and one-bedroom apartment Studio with a separate kitchenette, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom apartment Studio, studio with a separate kitchenette, and one-bedroom apartment Two studio with a separate kitchenette, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom apartment

Portfolio data