ESG Data

Basic Property Data

Activity indicators

Accounting Metric Total Office Retail Resicential Recreational and lodging Multi-functional Unit
Number of assets 74 37 7 10 3 17 Number of properties
Leasable floor area 448,786 217,347 14,194 16,444 49,736 151,066 m2
Percentage of indirectly managed assets 22.4 22.1 99.2 0.0 100.0 0.0 %

Climate Change Countermeasures

Initiative targets

Items Targets
GHG emissions reductions*1*2 Long-term target Achieve net zero by FY2050
Medium-term target*2 80% reduction in GHG emissions by FY2025 (total volume target compared to FY2018 level)
Short-term target*2 Annual reduction of at least 1% (basic unit target compared to the previous fiscal year)
Newly developed property environmental certification acquisition rate*4 100% acquisition
  1. Prior to FY2021, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding buildings designated to be sold and jointly owned buildings of which the Company has an ownership share of less than 25%).
    In FY2022, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding inventories).
  2. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions = Scope 1 + 2
    Scope 1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions directly from sources owned or controlled by business operators.
    Scope 2: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the use of electricity, steam and heat.
  3. Environmental certifications include DBJ Green Building Certification and CASBEE construction; applicable properties include offices and commercial buildings (excluding small properties).


GHG emissions and energy consumption

Unit FY2018
(Base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
GHG (CO2) emissions t-CO2 241,584 190,180 103,982 ✓ 130,337 ✓ 119,737 ✓ 164,089 ✓
Scope 1 t-CO2 2,999 3,183 3,023 ✓ 3,011 ✓ 2,709 ✓ 2,817 ✓
  CO2 t-CO2 2,603 2,633 2,799 2,720 2,639 2,659
CH4 t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
N2O t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
HFC t-CO2 397 551 225 292 69 157
PFC t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
SF6 t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other t-CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scope 2 t-CO2 27,230 27,255 25,306 ✓ 20,564 ✓ 12,431 ✓ 11,608 ✓
Scope 1 + 2 t-CO2 30,230 30,439 28,330 ✓ 23,576 ✓ 15,140 ✓ 14,425 ✓
Scope 3 t-CO2 211,354 159,740 75,652 ✓ 106,761 ✓ 104,596 ✓ 149,663 ✓
  Category 1
Purchased products and services
t-CO2 46,073 17,478 14,714 ✓ 14,289 ✓ 1,941 ✓ 2,869 ✓
Category 2
Capital goods
t-CO2 26,634 15,407 22,272 ✓ 60,937 ✓ 46,015 ✓ 29,441 ✓
Category 3
Scope 1, 2 upstream
t-CO2 4,324 5,012 4,743 ✓ 4,395 ✓ 2,642 ✓ 2,477 ✓
Category 5
Waste emissions from business
t-CO2 1,876 1,855 1,457 ✓ 1,386 ✓ 2,225 ✓ 2,151 ✓
Category 6
Business travel
t-CO2 30 30 31 ✓ 31 ✓ 32 ✓ 33 ✓
Category 7
Employee commuting
t-CO2 34 36 35 ✓ 35 ✓ 32 ✓ 30 ✓
Category 11
Use of products sold
t-CO2 121,744 106,983 20,222 ✓ 14,575 ✓ 34,454 ✓ 99,308 ✓
Category 12
Disposal of products sold
t-CO2 1,706 614 135 ✓ 403 ✓ 464 ✓ 1,212 ✓
Category 13
Leased assets (downstream)
t-CO2 8,929 12,321 12,039 ✓ 10,706 ✓ 16,787 ✓ 12,139 ✓
GHG (CO2) emissions
(unit of output)
Scope 1 + 2
kg-CO2/m2 68.3 66.5 60.0 ✓ 47.6 ✓ 27.6 ✓ 27.9 ✓
Energy consumption MWh 94,392 115,629 104,299 ✓ 109,960 ✓ 139,220 ✓ 118,261 ✓
Energy consumption
(unit of output)
kWh/m2 163.4 194.9 171.1 ✓ 174.5 ✓ 201.1 ✓ 178.4 ✓
  • Data marked with ✓ are guaranteed by a third party.
  • Categories 4, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 15 are excluded from calculations as there are no such emission sources.
  • Prior to FY2021, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding buildings designated to be sold and jointly owned buildings of which the Company has an ownership share of less than 25%).
    In FY2022, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding inventories).

Results by category: Energy management

Accounting Metric Total Office Retail Resicential Recreational and lodging Multi-functional Unit
Energy consumption data coverage as a percentage of total floor area, by property subsector 89.5 95.2 38.4 0.0 100.0 95.2 % (of total floor area)
Portion of total portfolio gross floor area with partial energy consumption data 92.7 97.0 50.0 10.6 100.0 97.1 % (of total floor area)
Total energy consumed by portfolio area with data coverage, by property subsector 139,221 41,575 31,586 113 25,341 40,606 MWh
Percentage grid electricity 57.9 75.6 52.2 100.0 13.6 71.6 %
Percentage renewable 19.2 55.4 0.0 0.0 1.6 8.2 %
Like-for-like percentage change in energy consumption for the portfolio area, by property subsector 0.3 -4.25 2.78 4.00 14.02 -5.23 %
Data coverage 66.9 68.28 16.94 0.82 100.00 70.89 % (of total floor area)
Percentage of eligible portfolio that has an energy rating 3.6 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % (of total floor area)
Percentage of eligible portfolio that is certified to ENERGY STAR, by property subsector - - - - - - % (of total floor area)
Percentage of eligible portfolio that has green building certifications 31.9 42.1 16.1 0.0 0.0 30.7 % (of total floor area)

Results by category: Impact of tenants on sustainability

Accounting Metric Total Office Retail Resicential Recreational and lodging Multi-functional Unit
Percentage of new leases that contain a cost recovery clause for resource efficiency-related capital improvements, by property subsector 83.1 70.6 - - - 98.9 % (of total floor area)
Associated leased floor area 27073.9 12906.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 14167.6 m2
Percentage of total leasable floor area for buildings leased under a green lease agreement 5.6 11.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 % (of total floor area)
Of which, floor area percentage for buildings leased under a green lease agreement that contains a cost recovery clause 5.6 11.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 % (of total floor area)
Percentage of tenants that are separately metered or submetered for grid electricity consumption 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 % (of total floor area)
Percentage of tenants that are separately metered or submetered for water withdrawals, by property subsector 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 % (of total floor area)

Results by category: Mitigation of climate change

Accounting Metric Total Office Retail Resicential Recreational and lodging Multi-functional Unit
Area of properties located in 100-year flood zones, by property subsector 236,136 171,618 9,328 15,624 2,081 37,484 m2

Environmental certification acquisition

Heiwa Real Estate achieved its FY2022 target of 100% environmental certification acquisition at newly developed properties.

* Environmental certifications include DBJ Green Building Certification and CASBEE construction; applicable properties include offices and commercial buildings (excluding small properties).

Water Resource Initiatives

Initiative targets

Item Target
Reduction of water consumption Yoy reduce with each usage classification (production volume intensity target)

* The portfolio of real estate owned by the Group (excluding buildings designated to be sold and jointly owned buildings of which the Company has an ownership share of less than 25%) is within the scope of calculation.


(Base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Water consumption (m3) (actual) 475,140 604,937 375,102 ✓ 439,687 ✓ 530,304 ✓ 523,259 ✓
Water intake (m3) 467,961 597,088 369,481 409,393 497,687 485,424
Fresh surface water 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brackish surface water/sea water 0 0 0 0 0 0
Groundwater 79,551 196,111 39,485 121,949 153,653 34,587
Water collected at quarries 0 0 0 0 0 0
External wastewater 0 0 0 0 0 0
Third-party water source (waterworks) 388,410 400,977 329,996 287,444 344,034 450,837
Greywater (m3) 4,408 4,869 3,330 17,769 19,773 14,585
Rainwater (m3) 2,771 2,980 2,291 12,525 12,268 23,250
Water consumption (m3) (annualized) 618,185 605,746 378,903 443,317 ✓ 538,533 ✓ 523,310 ✓
Per-unit water consumption (annualized) (m3/m2) 1.07 1.02 0.62 ✓ 0.70 ✓ 0.77 ✓ 0.82 ✓
  • Data marked with ✓are guaranteed by a third party.
  • Prior to FY2021, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding buildings designated to be sold and jointly owned buildings of which the Company has an ownership share of less than 25%).
    In FY2022, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding inventories).

Results by category: Water management

Accounting Metric Total Office Retail Resicential Recreational and lodging Multi-functional Unit
Water withdrawal data coverage as a percentage of total floor area 92.0 96.7 39.2 17.5 100.0 96.4 % (of total floor area)
Water withdrawal data coverage as a percentage of floor area in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress, by property subsector - - - - - - % (of total floor area)
Total water withdrawn by portfolio area with data coverage 530,304 163,993 38,963 351 169,645 157,353 m3
Percentage in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress, by property subsector - - - - - - %
Like-for-like percentage change in water withdrawn for portfolio area, by property subsector 13.0 0.58 9.55 80.00 43.44 -5.27 %
Data coverage 67.0 68.28 17.34 1.64 100.00 70.89 % (of total floor area)

Waste Initiatives

Initiative targets

Items Targets
Reduction of industrial waste generation 20% reduction by FY2030 (target waste per square meter compared to FY2018)*2
Recycling rate 70% by FY2030*3
  1. Recycled waste is excluded from the actual figures for waste and waste emissions per square meter.
  2. In accordance with the usage classification as defined by the SASB, the targets shall apply respectively to each type of properties (office/retail/residential/recreational and lodging/multi-functional).


Unit FY2018
(Base year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total waste emissions t 3,089 2,956 2,428 ✓ 2,183 ✓ 3,011 ✓ 3,357 ✓
Waste emissions
(excluding recycled waste)
t 1,311 1,300 1,017 1,009 1,931 1,514
Recycled waste emissions t 1,778 1,655 1,410 ✓ 1,173 ✓ 1,079 ✓ 1,842 ✓
Waste emissions
(excluding recycled waste)
(per square meter)
kg/m2 2.3 2.27 1.76 ✓ 1.60 ✓ 2.79 ✓ 2.40 ✓
Recycling rate % 58 56 58 53.7 35.8 61.6
Volatile organic compound emissions 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • Data marked with ✓ are guaranteed by a third party.
  • Prior to FY2021, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding buildings designated to be sold and jointly owned buildings of which the Company has an ownership share of less than 25%).
    In FY2022, the scope of calculation is the real estate portfolio held by the Group (excluding inventories).

Human Rights and Labor Standards

Number of workplace accidents

Items FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Target
Number of workplace accidents 0 0 0 0 -
Number of deaths 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 each fiscal year
Number of working days lost 0 0 0 0 -
  1. Data marked with ✓ are guaranteed by a third party.
  2. Accidents logged for all employees, including contract workers

Human Resource Management

Standard first aid training

Items Target Target schedule FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
% of employees with first aid qualifications 100% Every year through FY2030 100% 100% 100% 99%

Skills development training for employees

Items FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total hours of training (hours/year) 1,186 1,124 1,514 1,563
Hours of training per employee (hours/year) 11.6 12.4 15.8 16.5
Total training expenses (yen/year) 3,274,342 8,473,780 6,536,880 6,459,383
Training expenses per employee (yen/year) 32,101 93,118 68,093 67,994

Achieving Diverse Work Styles

Promotion of women’s success

Items FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Percentage of female employees 33.3% 35.4% 35.8%
Percentage of female managers 5.3% 10.8% 14.3%
Percentage of non-regular employees*1 9.0% 10.8% 12.2%
Percentage employees with disabilities *2 0% 0% 0%
  1. Ratio of non-regular employees, comprising contract workers and temp staff, among overall employees (consolidated basis).
  2. Ratio of employees with disabilities among overall employees (consolidated basis).
Items FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of female university graduates hired 1 (total3)
1 (total2)
2 (total4)
Childrearing leave obtained by - 3 people 2 people
Short working hours obtained by 1 person 1 person 0 person

Health and Safety

Efforts Targeting improved employee health

  Items FY2023 FY2024 Numerical targets (FY2023)
Medium-term management plan KPIs Annual health checks 100% ✓ - 100%*1
Cancer screenings 100% ✓ - 100%*1
Paid holiday usage 82.3% ✓ - At least 70%*1
Health management KPIs Stress checks 100% 100% 100%*1
Cigarette smokers 12.4% 11.4% 10% or less
Regular exercise 46.7% 49.5% At least 50%
Employees getting sufficient sleep and a balanced diet 62.9% 62.9% At least 80%
Appropriate body weight 65.2% 70.1% At least 70%
Employees leaving work due to injury or illness 0 0 0
Employees missing work due to injury or illness 0 0 0
Highly stressed employees 0% 2.6% 5% or less
Work Engagement Statu*2 88.7% 89.5% 90%
Work-related deaths 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0*1
*1 Numerical targets for each fiscal year
*2 Percentage of employees who responded “yes” or “somewhat” to “my work is rewarding” in stress checks.
FY2023: 115 people measured/100% response rate
FY2024: 114 people measured/100% response rate
✓ indicates data that has been verified by a third party.
*3 The numerical targets in the table above are set based on the ideal state and the level of achievement in the previous year.

Other indicators of successful health management

Items FY2023 FY2024
Absenteeism*1 1.54 Day 1.30 Day
Presenteeism*2 10.5% 11.6%
Complete physicals 38% 35.6%
Healthcare guidance 100% -
Hypertension treatments 0% -
  1. Days absent due to physical or mental illness (including late arrivals or early departures).
    FY2023: 105 people measured/100% response rate
    FY2024: 105 people measured/100% response rate
  2. Self-assessment of performance over previous four weeks. Ability to work without illness or injury = 100%.
    (Tokyo University Single-Item Presenteeism Question)
    FY2023: 105 people measured/100% response rate
    FY2024: 105 people measured/100% response rate

Company-paid cancer screenings

Exam items Targets
PSA (Prostate cancer) Male
CA125 SCC (Ovarian, cervical and other cancers) Female
CA19-9 (Pancreatic, gallbladder, bile duct and other cancers) Male/Female
α-FP (Liver and other cancers) Male/Female
CEA (Stomach, colon, lung, pancreas and other cancers) Male/Female

Training participation and degree of satisfaction

Items Targets Participation rate Degree of satisfaction
Exercise-related seminars All employees 51% 63%
Diet-related seminars All employees 27% 100%
Sleep-related seminars All employees 29% -
Women’s health-related seminars Female employees 61% 57%
Line care training Managers 95% -
First aid training All employees 100% -

Employee health literacy

Items FY2023 FY2024
Health literacy* 77.0 75.3

* Employee health literacy calculations based on Communicative and Critical Health Literacy (CCHL)

Health management measure investments

Items FY2023 FY2024
Medical and healthcare-related expenses (per employee) 67,915 yen -

Strengthening Corporate Governance

Items Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022
Ratio of external directors on the Board of Directors: At least one-third* 4 out of 9 4 out of 9 4 out of 9 4 out of 9 5 out of 9
Female directors: At least one 0 0 1 1 1
Ratio of external directors in the Nomination and Compensation Committee Nomination: 3 out of 4
Compensation: 2 out of 3
Nomination: 3 out of 4
Compensation: 2 out of 3
Nomination: 3 out of 4
Compensation: 2 out of 3
Nomination: 3 out of 4
Compensation: 2 out of 3
Nomination: 3 out of 4
Compensation: 2 out of 3
Compliance training: At least five times each year 2 2 5 5 5

* Data as of June 30 each fiscal year