Bonds and Ratings

Overview of Bonds

(As of March 31, 2023)
Name Date of issue Total amount of issues Interest rate (%) Date of maturity
The 21st series of unsecured bonds September 30,2013 1,000 0.97 September 29, 2023
The 22nd series of unsecured bonds March 25,2014 2,000 0.88 March 25, 2024
The 23rd series of unsecured bonds March 31,2014 1,400 0.89 March 29, 2024
The 24th series of unsecured bonds September 25,2014 750 1.03 September 25, 2024
The 25th series of unsecured bonds September 25,2014 750 0.81 September 25, 2024
The 26th series of unsecured bonds September 30, 2014 1,500 0.79 September 30, 2024
The 27th series of unsecured bonds September 30, 2014 500 0.6 September 30, 2021
The 28th series of unsecured bonds December 30, 2014 2,000 0.65 December 30, 2022
The 29th series of unsecured bonds March 31, 2015 500 0.37 March 31, 2020
The 30th series of unsecured bonds June 30, 2015 3,300 0.76 June 30, 2025
The 31st series of unsecured bonds September 30, 2015 1,000 0.33 September 30, 2020
The 32nd series of unsecured bonds September 30, 2015 2,300 0.62 September 30, 2025
The 33rd series of unsecured bonds March 25, 2016 1,100 0.52 March 31, 2026
The 34th series of unsecured bonds March 31, 2016 1,500 0.19 March 31, 2023
The 35th series of unsecured bonds September 30, 2016 2,000 0.11 September 29, 2023
The 36th series of unsecured bonds March 31, 2017 1,000 0.42 March 31, 2025
The 37th series of unsecured bonds December 8, 2017 1,500 0.71 December 8, 2032
The 38th series of unsecured bonds December 13, 2018 5,000 0.755 December 13, 2028
The 39th series of unsecured bonds January 31, 2019 1,500 0.76 January 31, 2034
The 40th series of unsecured bonds January 21, 2021 7,000 0.78 January 21, 2031
The 41st series of unsecured bonds November 30, 2022 3,300 0.76 November 30, 2032
The 42nd series of unsecured bonds February 28, 2023 2,490 1.00 February 28, 2033
The 43rd series of unsecured bonds February 28, 2023 2,000 0.35 February 25, 2031

Rating Information

(As of October 13, 2023)
Rating Agency Subject of Rating Rating (Outlook)
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd (JCR) Long-term issuer rating BBB+ (Stable)
Rating and Investment Information, Inc.(R&I) Issuer rating BBB+(Stable)

Trends of rating (JCR)

AAA The highest level of certainty of an obligor to honor its financial obligations
AA A very high level of certainty to honor the financial obligations
A A high level of certainty to honor the financial obligations
BBB An adequate level of certainty to honor the financial obligations. However, this certainty is more likely to diminish in the future than with the higher rating categories.
BB Although the level of certainty to honor the financial obligations is not currently considered problematic, this certainty may not persist in the future.
B A low level of certainty to honor the financial obligations, giving cause for concern
CCC There are factors of uncertainty that the financial obligations will be honored, and there is a possibility of default.
CC A high default risk
C A very high default risk
LD JCR judges that while an obligor does not honor part of the agreed to financial obligations, but it honors all its other agreed to financial obligations.
D JCR judges that all the financial obligations are, in effect, in default.

* A plus (+) or minus (-) sign may be affixed to the rating symbols from AA to B to indicate relative standing within each of those rating scales.

Long-term Issuer Rating Scale (R&I)

AAA Highest creditworthiness supported by many excellent factors.
AA Very high creditworthiness supported by some excellent factors.
A High creditworthiness supported by a few excellent factors.
BBB Creditworthiness is sufficient, though some factors require attention in times of major environmental changes.
BB Creditworthiness is sufficient for the time being, though some factors require due attention in times of environmental changes.
B Creditworthiness is questionable and some factors require constant attention.
CCC An obligation is in default or is likely to default. The obligation in default may not be recovered in full.
CC An obligation is in default or is highly likely to default. The obligation in default may only be partially recovered.
D An obligation is in default and may hardly be recovered.

* A plus (+) or minus (-) sign may be appended to the categories from AA to CCC to indicate relative standing within each rating category.