Website Usage Guidelines

Website Usage Guidelines

Welcome to the Heiwa Real Estate website. The terms and conditions for using this website are as follows. This website is not intended to solicit the purchase or sale of any shares in Heiwa Real Estate. Neither we nor any third party assume any responsibility for any damage caused by using this website.

  • We take reasonable care to ensure that the information on this website is accurate. However, neither we nor any third party guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of said information.
  • Forward looking statements, including projections and performance estimates, are based on information available at the time. Various risks and uncertainties (such as changes in the business climate) may cause actual future performance to differ significantly from such projections and forecasts.
  • We or a third party may update, revise, or remove information on this website at any time without prior notice.
  • This website may include links to other websites. These links do not signify that we or any third party endorse or provide any guarantee or warranty concerning the content of the linked website(s).

Neither we nor any third party assume any responsibility related to the inability to transmit emails or other messages or data due to a network failure or any other technical malfunction, or for any damage or loss to computer systems resulting from the use of this website.

Please take some time to read and understand our site's terms and conditions. Please also note that we may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. You are granted limited license for the purpose of viewing the website content. You must not use the website content in a manner that exceeds this limited license by, for example, duplicating, modifying, uploading, displaying, transferring, or sell the content.
The trademarks, service marks, and logos on this website are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. Unauthorized use of such content is prohibited.

Reproduction of content

You may not reproduce the content of this website.

Prohibited Acts

The following acts are strictly prohibited when using this site. Any of the following behaviors toward the Company or its affiliated companies, and their board members or employees, or other companies (parties) or organizations

  • Acts that insult, scandalize or threaten
  • Acts that cause harm or damages
  • Acts that potentially damage credibility
  • Acts that violates or potentially violates the law
  • Acts that violate public order and morality

Recommended Environment

In order that you may use our website effectively and safely, we recommend that you have one of the following browsers and plug-ins installed. Please check that the version is correct before downloading any software.


Windows 10 or 11 Mac OS
  • Microsoft Edge latest version
  • Google Chrome latest version
  • Safari latest version

Smartphone and Tablet

iPhone/iPad Android
  • Safari latest version
  • Google Chrome latest version

Please check that your device has one of the above operating systems installed. Other operating systems (particularly older ones) may display parts of the website incorrectly or not at all.

*We do not endorse beta versions (otherwise known as preview releases) of the above operating systems.



We recommend the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don’t have it already, you can download it from the Adobe Acrobat Reader link below.


Some parts of this website include contents that use JavaScript. When using this service, please enable the JavaScript in your browser.

Data access

This website does not identify the user’s personal information, but several pages are in which collection tags embedded to count usage (access) status. The aggregated access data will be used to improve the convenience of users and maintain and improve the quality of websites.