Heiwa Real Estate Group

Heiwa Real Estate Property Management Co., Ltd.

Date of establishment December 1984
Representative Nobuhiro Seo, Representative Director
Location of Head Office 6-7, Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Investment ratio 100%
Capital ¥134 million
URL https://www.heiwa-pm.co.jp/
Major operating business Property management
Construction management
Comprehensive building management
Maintenance, operation and maintenance of buildings and facilities

Housing Service Co., Ltd.

Date of establishment November 1972
Representative Shigeki Kimura, Representative Director
Location 1-8, Bingomachi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,Osaka
Investment ratio 100%
Capital ¥95 million
URL http://www.housing-s.co.jp/
Major operating business Real estate brokerage
Real estate appraisal
Trust beneficiary rights sales

Heiwa Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Date of establishment March 2000
Representative Masanori Hirano, President & Representative Director
Location of Head Office 5-1, Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Investment ratio 100%
Capital ¥295.57 million
URL https://www.heiwa-am.co.jp/en/
Major operating business Investment management

The Tokyo Shoken Building Incorporated

Date of establishment December 1950
Representative Tomoharu Nakao, Representative Director
Location 5-8, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Investment ratio 100%
Capital ¥100 million
URL http://www.ts-kaikan.co.jp/
Major operating business Leasing of offices to various securities organizations
Operation of halls and conference rooms
Joint management of restaurants
Operation of parking lots