The Company respects the value of information and always endeavors to strictly manage and protect information. For Social Security and Tax Numbers and other specific personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Specific Personal Information, etc.”), the Company fully recognizes the importance of management and protection measures that respect the value of the information and implements the following initiatives throughout the organization.
1.Name of Company
2.Compliance with Relevant Laws, Regulations and Guidelines, etc.
The Company complies with laws and regulations regarding the handling of Specific Personal Information, etc., related guidelines stipulated by the government, and all other rules, and thereby appropriately handles Specific Personal Information, etc.
3.Security Management Procedures
With respect to the security management procedures of Specific Personal Information, etc., the Company separately sets forth the “Regulation for the Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc.” and complies with the same.
4.Continuous Improvement
The Company strives to continuously improve the handling of Specific Personal Information, etc.
5.Contact Point for Specific Personal Information, etc.
Please direct complaints, queries, etc. regarding the Company’s handling of Specific Personal Information, etc. to:
General Affairs Department
Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd.1-10 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8222 Japan
TEL: +81 03-3666-0181 Fax: +81 03-3666-4930
Contact / Form of Inquiry and Request