Sustainability Promotion System

Sustainability Promotion System

The Company established a Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President and CEO, comprising executive officers, corporate officers and department heads to facilitate the smooth implementation of sustainability initiatives.
In monitoring the PDCA cycle of each sustainability initiative and reporting important details to the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Committee acts as the main driver in increasing the effectiveness of sustainable management.

Sustainability Promotion System

Stakeholder Engagement

The Group promotes engagement with all stakeholders in order to mutually strengthen bonds with everyone who has a stake in its business. At the same time, the Group endeavors to improve urban environments, bring value to communities and help people benefit economically with a view to help make society more sustainable.

Stakeholder Engagement

Building tenants and users

The Group works to ensure sound business activities and improve its services from the standpoint of its building tenants and users, while responding to their concerns fairly and sincerely.

Business partners

The Group conducts business in good faith in accordance with societal norms and laws related to free and fair competition and transactions in an effort to mutually raise corporate value together with its business partners.


The Group endeavors to respect each employee’s character, eliminate any and all discrimination and harassment, and ensure a safe and comfortable work environment. Through these efforts, the Group strives to realize a sense of latitude and abundance.

Shareholders and investors

The Group creates a wide range of opportunities to engage with shareholders and investors by proactively making such efforts as holding financial results briefings and attending events for individual investors as well as disclosing information in a timely and proper manner.

Global environment

Giving full consideration to its responsibility to conserve the natural environment, the Group actively implements environmental initiatives while complying with environment-related laws and regulations.

Local communities

The Group places importance on coexistence with local communities and broadly works to contribute to society as a good corporate citizen.

Sustainability Promotion Activities

Sustainability Promotion Activities

To deepen the understanding and raise awareness among officers and employees, we hold Sustainability Committee Meetings around four times a year, formulate annual sustainability plans for each department, conduct sustainability training, and promote other activities to spread sustainability throughout the Company.